HOT NEWS UPDATE: After more than 50 years of long research, scientists finally saw two more moons near the Earth। These two moons are completely covered with dust and cannot be seen by the common people। but still space This is considered to be a major discovery for science।
धरती के उत्तरी ध्रुव से चौंकाने वाली खबर, वैज्ञानिकों को सताया तबाही का डर।
अंतरिक्ष में फटा रूस का राकेट ,दुनिया के सैटेलाइट्स पर मंडराया काल।
HOT NEWS UPDATE:A Russian rocket used to launch a scientific satellite into space has broken apart after nine years in orbit – leaving a dozens of pieces of debris around the Earth। The Fregat-SB is a type of space tug and its upper stage was left floating after it helped deliver the Spektr-R satellite in 2011, according to Roscosmos।
क्या आपकी भी जानकारी चीन पहुँच चुकी है जानने के लिए देखिये ये वीडियो।
चांद पर हो रही है तगड़ी थर्राहट, वैज्ञानिकों ने कहा बढ़ने लगी हैं दरारें।
आखिर क्यों 5 गुणा कमजोर पड़ी सूर्य की रोशनी।
HOT NEWS UPDATE: A new study suggests the sun appears to experience far fewer changes in brightness and intensity than other stars like it। Researchers reported last week on their examination of 369 stars। They compared each one to the sun in terms of surface temperature, size and rotation। They found that on average, the other stars had five times more brightness variability than our sun।