Hello friends, what do you think? What is the most expensive thing on our planet? I am sure many people might think about gold, diamond or platinum । But what if I told you that there are some things which are more expensive than these and no I am not talking about radioactive chemicals or lab chemicals, I am talking about 100% organic and natural animal excretions । I know the thought of it cringes you a little but today in this video we`ll be discussing animal secretions that are highly valuable and expensive Do watch the entire video to know more ।
इतिहास में मौजूद धरती के सबसे बड़े जानवर | Biggest Animals Of All Time
HOT NEWS UPDATE: आज इस वीडियो में हम आपको अब तक के सबसे बड़े जानवरो के बारे में बताएंगे| जानने के लिए उपर दिखाया गया वीडियो जरूर देखें|
वहीँ दूसरी वीडियो में देखें “क्या करे अगर आपके सामने शेर आ जाये”