HOT NEWS UPDATE:A mammoth star explosion known as SN2016aps, which occurred in a galaxy about 3.6 billion light-years from Earth, istypical supernovaPanoramic Survey Telescope the brightest supernova ever seen, a new study reports।
Category: Science and Technology
दुनिया से चीन को बेदखल करने में जुटी महाशक्तियां।
वुहान वाली कोरोना फैक्ट्री को अमेरिका से मिले थे 10 करोड़ रुपये।
कोरोना को लेकर भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों ने लगा डाली आविष्कारों की झड़ी।
भारत के लिये गेमचेंजर होगी ये 100 साल पुरानी खोज।
HOT NEWS UPDATE:At the moment, humanitarian initiatives of India are being praised all over the world। From America, Brazil, Israel to Japan, everyone is admiring India। The reason is that a medicine which till now was used for malaria and arthritis। But now she has proved to be most effective in the treatment of corona। The name is hydroxychlloroquin।